Elucidate wizard101
Elucidate wizard101

To understand Morganthe better you have to read her story in reverse from Azteca to Celestia. Many stated that we don't know much about her and that many don't care about her(this right here will play a major role within what happening to the current fan-community as of late). I just finished reading the Wizard101 post "malistare or morganthe?!?!" and I saw some backlash against Morganthe for not being a good/well-written villian for the 2nd Arc. It's like a disfunctional family to the max! It's just like home to me and I'm tired of seeing everything falling apart and people at each other's throats all the time. I want show my opinions, observations, and possible reasons/solutions for whats going on Wizard101 because I love that game. There are many points, gaming and story line, I want to hit and this one post will not include all of them so please bare with me. So I'd love it if things could stay calm and move smoothly. I just want make my points, breathe, and move on. On another note, I am not trying to bring any negativity, fighting, flame wars, any of that over here, again my apologizes if it turns out to be that at any point. But I swear I think I might explode with bottle feelings if I gon't say something. I know we around here like to talk about the Skyways and such but, honestly, since I am without a Wizard101 sub I can't post what I need to on the W101 message boards and make my points. Let me start off with an apology for bringing Wizard101 into a Pirate101 set place.

Elucidate wizard101